The Lone Wolf’s Path

To follow the crowd is to be unstable. While we’re all a bit unstable, the only way to stabilize oneself is to trust oneself and to be able to step out of oneself and see oneself objectively. For being too attached to oneself and one’s things, we’re unable to recognize the real situations that surround us. We live in a world of many people with many emotions, thoughts, opinions, actions, and words, and these all influence us.

This cannot be avoided, but the degree to which we act on these influences is within our control. It’s hard, though, because everyone wants to be popular, accepted, appreciated, and wanted. But when the herd runs toward the shade, where the wolf pack is lying, and you choose to stay in the burning sun, then you’re off, an outsider. And if the wolf pack doesn’t attack? Then you’re even worse off. And if they do attack and you’re saved, you’ll be hated for surviving, not seen as some wise bull.

This is why it’s important to learn to be a lone wolf, if only in your mind. Ask yourself constantly: Why are you doing what you’re doing? Why are you buying this stock? Why are you eating at that restaurant? Why are you voting for that party? Why are you working that job? Why are you in a romantic relationship with that person? Why is so-and-so your best friend?

This will stabilize you. As a stabilized man, woman, or whatever you call yourself, you’ll be less uprooted by the stampedes of the masses. You will suffer less from the tragedy of the world. You will be your own fortress in the depth of sorrow and destruction. You’ll be the closest thing to untouchable.

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